Sunday, August 20, 2023

Time to Write week 34


Group 1: Edits chapter 14

Group 2: Writing Chapter 34

Group 3: Writing Chapter 14

Your assignment for the coming week. Chapter 14 edits/writing and chapter 34 writing. 

I have a challenge for you in the coming week. How about you plan to write for a couple of hours in a new place. Starbucks? The Library? A friends home? I think planning 3 hours on a weekend best. 

Plan it like you do your writing time. Set it with your writing pal or pals. Plan in travel time and let your family know that you have plans. 

Prep list:
Laptop and cord
Writing notebook
Pens and paper
Butt cushion...yes I carry one

A quick brainstorming about your story and your Pala story/stories. This is where you jot ideas into your notebook for later. 

But go with a plan of what chapter(s) you will work on while with your writing pals. 

During the writing time set the rules. No talking or interuptions. 

Save the last 20 minutes to discuss progress made. 

Anyway...think about getting away as soon as you can plan it with your pals. You'll be surprised hoe much it helps. 

And if you cannot meet in person how about Skype or excuses.