Sunday, August 13, 2023

Time to Write week 33


Group 1: Edits chapter 13

Group 2: Writing Chapter 33

Group 3: Writing Chapter 13 So this coming week chapter 13 edits or 33 snd 13 writing. We are rocking this!!! Just a mention this week on your negotiating of your writing time. As I keep saying if you do not plan the time it won't be there for your story. Tell your family when you will be writing so you get your 500 words a day in the hour you choose. Let's talk a little about the Mom guilt considering maybe some of us have kids. Mine are teens so they really don't care if I am writing. They have grown up with me writing and it's sort of ingrained in them now. They know not to bug me when I am writing and they know not to bug me when I am doing bills. Interrupting me when I am writing or doing the bills will cause me to snarl. But I am kind enough to ask what is needed of me before I start either. I am not sure but if any men are following this blog I don't mean to exclude you. So let go of the Dad guilt too. But..sometimes as women we do so much for others we don't find the time for the things we want in life. So my question to you is what is your dream? What do you wish you had or could do? And my next question. How important is this book to you? Is this one of your dreams or something you have wanted for a long time? If the answer is yes then why aren't you negotiatiny and finding time to finish it? No one is gonna give you this have to carve out the time and attention to it. Only you can write this story and you shouldn't feel guilty about one hour a day for your dreams. Make a calendar of the hours you will be writing this week and post it on the fridge. Put a reminder you will have the hour and will not accept interuptions. FROM ANYONE...UNLESS THERE IS AN EMERGENCY AND BLOOD IS INVOLVED. Ha. I am kidding but seriously chat with each family members about the time you have reserved for you. Mom guilt has no place here. Why does everyone else needs come before your own. It's hard with kids and even harder if they are small. But one hour a day may need to be negotiated with a spouse or older sibling to watch the little people. I use to promise my girls their favorite meals if I could write for an hour. I wrote at Chuck E Cheeses...turned them loose with coins and arm bands so I could write. I took them skating on weekends so I could snag some writing time. I carried my laptop to soccer practice and dance. Now that my teen girls are older. I text them the chores that they should be helping with and they have more responsibilities. I am getting more writing time these days with them helping and like I said a husband who doesn't mind picking up more chores than me so I can write. I know some authors who have years pass by between books. Why? I have let too much time go between books and then have to push hard to make one happen. But I have not gone years....time does pass though. Just when  you planning on finishing this first book or the one you wanted to complete this year? How many years have already passed where you didn't finish the story you have inside that head of yours? LET GO OF THE MOM GUILT!! Maybe it is not family and kids keeping you from finishing your story. Maybe you are your own worst enemy. Are you procrastinating? Why? Are your fearing you cannot do this? Well you won't know until you try. Is your health keeping you back? You do have to take care of yourself as a priority but get your health together so you can write. What is your issue with not getting in your writing time? I suggest using your planning book to track each day and where your time goes. Then you may csn identify just why you cannot get time to Write in your day each day. Then plan for it in advance. Only you can change this. So work on it...then you can start tracking your writing time and see your story beginning to come together. It will happen if you work on finding time to Write.