Sunday, August 6, 2023

Time to Write Week 32


Group 1: Edits chapter 12

Group 2: Writing Chapter 32 Group 3: Writing Chapter 12 August. 8 months at this. Week 32!!! Looking back does it feel long? Have you made progress that makes you happy? I'll preach again on not going back to edit. Keep going forward. FINISH THE BOOK. That is our goal here. The purpose of the first draft is not's just to get it written. I am encouraging you to take a moment this week to look at your writing notebook again. It should contain a sentence or two about what each chapter or scene holds for quick and easy access. It should contain the things you want to remember to add, delete or make better. It should contain a timeline of happenings in your story and a Bible of character traits and items about that character. Eye color. Hair color. Character quirks. Birthdays. Whatever you might need a quick reference for your character. Refer to it often. If you are so inclined maybe make it a bullet journal. Short and sweet. Maybe add a written quote a day. Something to make your planning book fun. It's only as helpful as to how much you add to it. So give it a look each week. Don't worry about being neat and tidy. Just get down the items needed this week. So get on to your assigned chapter this week and see if you can get down that next chapter or edit due. You got this!!!