Sunday, July 30, 2023

Time to Write Week 31

Group 1: Edits chapter 11

Group 2: Writing Chapter 31

Group 3: Writing Chapter 11

Rolling onward! I hope you made progress this week. Did you hit a point where you wrote more than a chapter a week? 

Make sure you are not going back and trying to edit. Doing so and trying for perfection now is a waste of time and will totally slow you down. 

Push hard to accomplish more than a chapter where you can. If one chapter is all you can manage then stick with it. 

Reminder of getting in your one hour a day and/or your 500 words a day. It will add up. You are making scenes. You are making chapters. Keep pushing and you will hold a finished rough draft in your hands. 

I hope that this blog had helped you to accomplish your goals. Writing is hard. It can be lonely. It can feel like you will never finish. But you will if you don't give up on yourself and your story. 

For those of you who have reached the finished draft and need further helps let me know what you need help with. I only promised here a finished manuscript but I have author friends and book world people who I can connect you with that might help. 

I can also assist in finding beta readers and critique partners where needed. 

HEY,  come and hang out on my authorkimturner Facebook page so we can chat on things further.