Monday, July 17, 2023

Time to Write Week 29


This coming week:

Group 1: Edits chapter 9 Group 2: Writing chapter 29 Group 3: Writing chapter 9 You fine writers should be cranking out chapters. Tell us how far you have gotten. What's hard? What's easy? Onward to edits or writing of chapter 9 or 29 is you are working on a longer story!!! I have told you all before that I fail every time I plan to get up an hour early to write. I just cannot pull that one off even if I whole heartily art my clock and plan for it. It's just not gonna happen. But now and then when I am off on a weekend I go ahead and plan my night for an early rise to write before the day begins. Before my family is up and moving. As I have aged...I do not do that thing where I sleep until some time after 9am. I never was even someone who would sleep until noon on days as a teen. Too afraid of wasting my days off I guess. Heck one day I'll sleep in heaven all I want but for is TIME TO WRITE. So on Friday or Saturday nights when I know the next day we have no early plans I go ahead and set the scene. I clean up my office and clear my writing desk. I don't work well if things are cluttered in there. I toss my seat cushion in my chair. I bring my laptop in and set it to charging. I clear anything else off my list that I can...chores. Dishes. Laundry. Trash. Dishes. Anyway Fix those things that might tend to pull me from writing so when morning comes I am free to write. I also go ahead and set up the coffee maker for the morning. And usually a morning shower person I take a shower the night before and place my Robe across my writing chair. I cannot write cold but I like the house cool and so the Robe keeps me cozy. And this is all a gamble that I wake earlier than my family as I do not set an alarm. Without a doubt I am gonna wake and then I have the decision to make...roll over or get up and write. The struggle can be real. But there are mornings I wake and I know if I get up and write I will not be disturbed for a while and I will accomplish quiet time coffee and writing. I grab my glasses. Brush my teeth and hair and head to the kitchen where I push on for the coffee. And grab the cup and fixings and a Granola bar and sit in my chair. I turn on my small lamp and my salt lamp from Jane Lewis. I turn on the laptop and focus. I enjoy maybe 2 hours at it before anyone stirs. I love that time when I can make myself do it. I usually focus on writing and no editing so I can take advantage of the quiet. I wrap up in my Robe and stick my feet in my already placed house shoes. I do some deep breathing as I write at first figuring to oxygenated my brain for good writing. I try to know the night before where I was in my atorybor what scene was needed next. That way I am utilizing every minute not delayed in thought but just pushing out words. I love it and it makes me always dream about being able to do this daily once I retire one of these days. I cannot even imagine being able to do that. But it sure does make me smile. Maybe all us authors have dreamed about this one. Just thought I would share a bit on how I do a weekend day where I can snag some Time to Write.