Sunday, July 9, 2023

Time to Write Week 28

This coming week:

Group 1: Edits chapter 8
Group 2: Writing chapter 28
Group 3: Writing chapter 8

So everyone should have made it through chapter 7 and 27 depending on your group. Did you make progress? If not why? What can you change in the coming week to make sure you do get your writing done? 

Is it time again to warn and notify you family of the hour a day that is yours? Is it time to post those times on the fridge that you aren't to be bothered? Do what's needed to gain time for your story. 

So this week...A word on the dreaded synopsis. It's sad. I can write a 100K novel to submit but I cannot narrow it into one to three pages without blood sweat and tears. So I am gonna share some hints below that might helps. 

In my book planner where I map out chapters I usually write one sentence to explain what that chapter is about. Later that help me sort of begin to tell the brief happening in paragraph form. Usually this is fairly length so I end up having to tighten it up and cut words and say things better with Edits there. 

I am even worse with the back of the book blurb where I must shorten it down into about 2 paragraphs and 100 words. That begs to own my first born child. 

And I only wrote Query letters before I had a contract so I won't be much help there but I'll search out some pointers to add. 

So for the next three Thursdays for writing hints I will cover briefly Query Letters, synopsis' an order to help where I can on this. 

Focus on writing for now. Those things can come later.