So how did your week of planning and writing chapter 11 go? I hope you got a good solid chapter 10 all done and that review of your outline things are flowing you right into what you did to Chapter 11. I also hope you were able to speed things up and focus.
If we keep planning that 20 chapter novel then you are half way done....TO FINISHING THAT BOOK. It should feel more than real now. And while half way still means a lot of work to go pat yourself on the back if you have been able to keep up.
And if you have not kept up to chapter 11 don't lose heart. Pat yourself on the back that you are making progress at your own pace...AND THAT IS JUST FINE.
Any progress counts and is worth the time spent.
So this month of March we want to now start working on chapter 11, 12, and 13. Three more chapters in the next 3 weeks. SO no looking back at chapters 1 through 10--use our notebook to add things you need to work on to your outline, but don't go back now to fix things. There is no time. So for the rest of this month you need to complete through Chapter 14. SOme of you may like doing one chapter at a time and if so this week is chapter 11 again. SOmetimes that saggy middle needs more time.
Where are you in your story. Where does it need to go in the next three chapters? And yes focus on all three chapters 11, 12, and 13 in writing as much as you can on your hour each day. What about starting on ch. 11 and no looking back for anything until 13 is done. Use your hour a night for what I call writing sprints. Set a timer and keep distractions to a minimum. Push through and let the characters lead you rapidly through what is happening. Move fast through the story to get the main ideas flowing. You can fluff later. Right now shoot for a basic rough draft of chapters 11, 12, and 13. Three weeks is 21 days! If you push to get those done in rough draft in week 1, then you can spend 2 weeks tweaking through to make sure things flow and what is needed is there.
And if you choose do the same one chapter a week which is chapter 11 this week.
Ya know once I have written and keep writing as I have with this blog, it feels like a part of the day that is routine. I just do it.
Of course days come that go crazy and there might be one night you didn't get to have an hour to write. So make sure to write extra another day and let your family know! Ha....If you don't make the time to Write no one else is gonna allow it for you.
So now you have the plans for chapter 11. Get to it. Focus and clear your mind and write.
Tell us how things are going for you. What is a big help? What hinders you most.
A big help for me is a husband who cooks and does laundry and a lot of other things so that I can write. He washes the vehicles and cuts the yard and helps rhe girls so I can find my writing time.
Hindrances for me are the day job and being tired after work. Sometimes the fatigue wipes me out so I put on that pit of coffee which at times helps me write. I push that hour and work even if on a single scene to get in my hour. Then I hit the hay.
Yall we are doing this...we are gonna finish this book!!!!
And pay attention Author Kim Turner on Facebook.
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