Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Taking Care of You...


Writing. Writing means a lot of time sitting alone inside our heads. Time alone we love and adore so we can add to our work in progress. I have always hated the term "headed to the writing cave." 

I have never felt that way about writing. I love my writing time if I am connected and rolling through a story. I have to fight so hard to find writing time that I wouldn't call my escape to my writing room a cave. I would call it more like a writing is my fun place. Yes and escape. But I'd challenge you...if your writing feels like a chore then why are you doing it? 

I don't write for my living. It's a good thing because the bills would not get paid on what I am making on books. But if you are a full time writer then I realize the struggle is real. But if you are not enjoying your writing. There are many more ways to make a living without the struggle of writing. 

And writing is hard even if a joy. 

But the focus today is to take a look at what you are doing to take care of you the author. 

Some write full time. Some have a full time job and write when they can. But I between all the obligations that MUST be done are you doing the things that take care of you? 

Nevermind the dishes in the sink, the mountains of clothes to be washed and the clutter all over you house. Besides taking an hour a day to write you gotta add in those things that keep you healthy and happy. I have to admit I do not indulge enough in taking care of me. 

So here are some things we can choose from to help us take care of ourselves as we write and learn we cannot do it all. (And it is our own fault if we do not ask for help from all those who live under the same roof expecting us to do it all....apologies to any men following this blog.)

A bubble bath, wine and a read
A nap just because...but no avoiding writing that hour
A walk daily because sitting to write we are not moving
A movie
Buy flowers for yourself for your writing room
An hour in the sun....vit. D
Go to bed early all week
Get a massage
Do yoga
Get a new hair style
Go out to dinner with an old friend
Start a new hobby
No social media for a week
Light candles
Look through old photo albums
Do nothing
Declutter your writing space
Ride to and thru a state park
Do deep breathing exercises
Drink fruit water
Eat healthy for a whole week
Turn up the music
Get your nails done
More coffee
Less coffee
Use a meditation app daily
Do something nice for someone
Write out your goals
Write a letter
Drink more water
Have the dessert

What do you do that helps you take care of yourself. Share your ideas so it may help others.