Sunday, December 24, 2023

Time to Write Week 52

Group 1: Edits chapter 32 and chapter 12

Group 2: Writing Chapter 52

Group 3: Writing Chapter 32
1 week remaining in our writing journey It has now been almost a full year in this writing journey. Some of you have finished your story. Some of you may have finished two. And some of your are winding up a longer story. Other are already editing. You are almost there!!! Looking back at your progress and applaud yourself. If you are not making progress work on what is standing in your way. See what you can do to keep your hour a day going. Don't give up no matter what. Keep going to finish your story. Any progress isngood progress. So push hard to keep going. Onward folks. One more week!!!!! The pressure is on!

Oh and Merry Christmas!!!! I will have a post on the 1st to end up our writing you get a little extra time!!!

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