Sunday, June 25, 2023

Time to Write Week 26


This coming week:
Group 1: Edits chapter 6
Group 2: Writing chapter 26
Group 3: Writing chapter 6

Another week has passed us. Those who are finished and working on edits you should be through chapter five on editing. 

Those who kept writing after 20 chapters you will begin this week Writing chapter 26. Are you getting where you csn wind things down to your ending? Of not its to tske a look at your notebook and begin mapping how you get from where you are to where you should be at the ending. 

Those of you working on a second book for the year or who are starting your first you should have 5 chapters all done. 

All of you need to spend a little time this week in your writer notebook about this story. Whether Writing or editing are you staying on track? Are things coming together? Have you included items you forgot to include in that first write?

Those of you who are writing a first book. Go back to earlier blog posts this year for more helps at getting started and how to plan write. The only strict rule I should keep pushing is no going back. When writing  and trying to finish the book....if you go back to clean up previous chapters it can bog you down and I know some authors who have written the first 3 chapters 25 times and never finish the book in years.....don't do that. 

I chose to do this blog because the November Nano just never worked for me. I cannot Crunch out a book in a month with working full time and the holidays and as it turns out...too much to do on that app. I don't need one more place to hang out online. 

Push ahead this week with the goals above. But let me push you even more. Write faster this week. Set a timer and log how many words you get in your hour. Then next week can you beat that time? Try. 

Until next week!!