Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Writing

Once I got Sawyer's Rose and All But The Fall submitted for the unpublished Maggies, I went back to Sawyer's Rose and re-edited the entire story and got it off to my wonderful critique partners. (Thanks Maggie and Kim) So now I wait and will then take the time to make what corrections/advice these Ladies offer-and hey, they know what they are doing. So I will be hitting Sawyer's Rose once more before sending him off to various editors. My goal had been to have this done by May 1st of this year, but I have to keep thinking about how much I've gotten accomplished and that the effort at one more edit will hopefully pay off. Time will tell on Sawyer, but in the mean time, I have been reworking All But The Fall to add a bit of fluff to that story. My goal is to have it ready by October when I attend M&M, where I hope to get two or more pitches and I will have both stories to pitch. I might have said some of this in a previous post but somehow writing about it lets me know where I am heading.

So as this posts, my family and I are leaving for a week at the beach, where I hope to edit at night once we return to the condo after the days activities. My goal is to continue editing through All But The Fall for enhancing the story even more. Actually, my goal is to enjoy the beach and my family and the writing will be here when I return, but maybe I can sneak in a bit of editing when the day runs into evening and we are sitting around. Oh, the life of a writer...even when I am actively enjoying something my mind will stray to this character or that story line and how I can make it better. I have a magnet that says, "I am not daydreaming, I'm plotting." And so...stay tuned!!!