Friday, January 5, 2018

Happy New Year....

So excited to start 2018 off with a bit of a plan to get better organized. I have never been one to boast about resolutions because rarely can I follow through. So over the years I just like to take a deep breath and use my first few weekends to sit down at the table and get my tax junk together as the number one priority for each year. This usually ends up being a month long project over the weekends and while some people last minute this in April, I have rarely done that. What doing my taxes really means is listing it all out so my cool tax guy Art knows what to do with it. 

And my second plan is to follow my calendar planner notes by taking a look each day and focusing on what really has to be done ASAP or what can wait. Do you guys out there use a planner or calendar? I carry mine to work and use it at home too. Having multiple calendars has never worked for me and neither have things like Outlook or my phone calendar. I like and stick to handwriting in pencil so items can be chsnged. If not written down then it gets missed.

And I think it is time for a bit of redo in the house one room at a time. I hope to focus on one room a month, cleaning it from top to bottom? Culling the junk and then maybe repainting some time in the spring or summer. This will be an ongoing project as the girls would like to repaint and decorate their rooms "more like teenagers." 

Another plan for this year is to get organized with groceries. I want to create a master list based on what my family really eats ans only purchase those things based on meal planning. I also need to get back to clipping coupons and shopping sales along with shopping ahead for birthdays and next Christmas. 

And then if I get all these things organized I will have more time to write, which is the real reason for planning to get other things done. As I have mentioned I want to cut back on activities and events related to writing so that I can get back to the writing. I do hope to slip away for a writing weekend or two but I am also going to schedule more writing time this year and if that means shutting and locking the door or hiding...well then...

So anyway for New Years resolutions, not really my thing but I am heading up to make sure I start out with a plan. And you?

Hey and leave a comment here and the first five will win a Wild Rose Calendar from me along with some other book goodies!
