Wednesday, December 27, 2023

2024...What's the plan?

So if you have stuck with this blog and you have or will soon have a finished book or a completely edited book, I have a new challenge for you.

What are you writing in 2024? You may need some time in 2024 to edit and get this first story off to a press or editor or at least on its way somewhere. So take out your author planning book and begin doodling ideas or things you'd like to plan for in the next book. I seriously challenge you not to stop your hour a day. Let nothing slow you down. This is your time. This is your book. This is your story. Your way. Spend some time on it now or when you can in the near future. Even if editing the book we have worked on all year don't lose momentum on story. Daily one hour, one chapter, honey in the chair. It is time to Write 2024. Don't miss out!!! Let's finish another book.