Sunday, May 21, 2023

Time to Write Week 21



You have finished the book!!!!!!
(If not keep working...maybe you aren't too far away from celebrating too!)

So a couple of things on how this blog will work for the remainder of the year. We have several groups when it comes down to it. 

Group 1: those with 20ish chapters and rough draft done. YOU ARE READY FOR FIRST EDITS!!!

Group 2: those who continue to work passed chapter 20 to finish a novel in a year or to finish with more chapters needed. 

Group 3: those who are moving the dial but who have not made it to chapter 20 but who continue to work on their manuscript. 

So each week from here I will push the editing group on what chapters need to be edited. And I will push the still writing group to chapter 21 with continuing a chapter a week. Those who are not up to 21 negotiate your time and push to get the writing done. It's oK. Just keep writing at the pace you can! Look at the progress made. It might also be that some of you have finished a 20 chapter story and may want to go ahead and move along with us at chapter 21 but have it be the chapter 1 of a new story. So with this blog plan you can complete a story in a year or 2 stories in a year. It's up to you. 

I hope the Thursday Posts are helpful too with writing hints. So don't forget to follow the blog...there is a place to put in your email for reminders. And come hang out when your writing is done to tell us how you are doing on my author Kim Turner Facebook page. I will continue supporting and encouraging there. 

So for the coming week:

Edits chapter 1. Spend a whole week on your first ch. Edits. 

Writing chapter 21....or more for those continuing.

Writing chapter 1 for newbies just starting with us or those who completed the first book and are beginning a second. 

I hope all that makes sense. I decided to to this blog to keep me on track. And it's helping for sure! Please share so others may want to join!!!