Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The What that gets in the Way

More hints for any of you who are still struggling to find time to Write. I may sound like a broken record here but if you don't negotiate even with yourself for writing time you are not gonna make the progress you want on your story.

What was my next rule? No going back to fix things in prior chapters. Just make a note in your planning book. You are keeping it still right?

But here are some other items that may be sucking up your time to Write. Just some random things where you may can plan better so time opens up....

Meal Planning. Do this in advance and the shopping with it so that there is a plan and the items you need. This can save so much time. Hey and go casserole and Instpot or crackpot for meals to save time. Prep 2 to 3 meals or more foe the week so all you have to do is warm them up. Or make enough to freeze. This takes commitment. 

Social Media. When you want to get to your writing time resist the urge to sit down and scroll. This sucks more time from your day if you linger. When I know it's time to Write I put my phone elsewhere on silent. Some people also need to not use any social media on their laptop. Set a timer if you have to. 

Television is the same way. A big time suck where you may linger for hours each evening getting nothing else done. I have a few series I watch but often enough I watch them when it's convenient for me and not always on the day and hour they are scheduled. But while I sometimes keep the TV on for noise...I don't have a lot of set things I watch. 

Do you keep a to-do list? It may help. I have a calendar planner and I am a list person. Sometimes my lists are long but I break them up by priorities and then settle each morning on the 1 to 3 things I would like to get done that day after work. I use to get discouraged if I didn't get anything on my list completed but I have learned even one thing crossed off my list a day is progress. 

Planning in advance for errands and shopping...this fatigues me more than anything. So if I am going out I try to plan several stops together rather than running each day to some errand after work. This may be tiring on that one day but will free up the next few days where I do not have to go anywhere. Being organized is difficult. I am a work in progress at it. But I keep discovering helpful things here and there. 

Procrastination. That is on you. That is on me. Set a timer for your hour. Escape to your writing space and place your rear in the chair. It may help to set up you space with all you. Eed ahead of time. 

There is also overloading your calendar or event planner. Learn to say no. Learn to want your time at home. Learn to prioritize where you get more time home. JUST SAY NO!

When you head to a task be careful not to get sucked down a rabbit hole. If I take off downstairs to hunt an envelope or something from a file I have to do only that task or I will catch myself down there for an hour tidying up something. 

And if you use a calendar then block off chucks of time for each item you have to complete including your writing. 

Sometimes multitasking can send us whirling and not really getting anything done. If I ever have a week day off at home that I took for having a writing day I have to plan ahead for it. I get the meal plan set or cooked ahead of time. I get chores done the night before so I am few the next morning and I get my writing space set up and prep me some snacks for the day to make things easy. And I do not answer the phone or turn on the TV. I break each hour for standing up and moving around. Maybe a potty break or to let the dog out. I might grab my lunch but I do not do chores until I quit when my family gets home and it's time for supper. Sometimes even then my husband cooks and does the dishes so it's still my day to keep writing. 

Be intentional. Like above if it is your day to write maximize it!!!

Clutter in my home makes it hard for me to write. So work little by little to clear your life of the things that clutter for you. I am slowly going through my house and donating and tossing and giving away items I really don't need or do not use. Its a work in progress but it helps making cleaning easier. And if cleaning is easier you will have more time to Write. 

I have failed at this one but what about online shopping or ordering groceries to be delivered. I may need to venture into this one at some point. I did order most of Christmas online the last few years. I need to see about grocery delivery based on meal plans and at the same time seeing if I can save some money. Being organized will save writing time.
So many things can suck your time and we are all different on what monopolizes our time. Find your issues and begin chiseling away at gaining your time back for writing.