Sunday, April 30, 2023

Time to Write Week 18


It's May Ya'll. We have been at this for 5 months....seriously. I challenge you to take a look back at how much you have accomplished even if you have not made it to chapter 18. If you have made 5 chapters....keep going. If you have made 40 chapters...wind that puppy up and start editing. Progress is progress and while we have a plan here to follow sometimes life does happen. 

I will also challenge you to wind up your 20is chapter work if that is the plan you were on. We are at chapter 18....and as you wind up the last 3 chapters...take a look at details as your write. Has the story arc come to be as it should? Is the plot like you pushed for? 

How about each character, are they now changed somehow because of what happened in the story? Did they grow? If not these are things you may have to fluff snd fix when we get to edits. 

But for now focus on Chapters 18 thru the ending of your book. Pull it all together but don't short happening to make sure you end at chapter 20. If 2 more chapters are needed write them. 

If you are not stopping at chapter twenty to carry on!

Have a great week and post how things are going! Don't forget the fun stuff we csn share and chat about on Facebook and here.