Sunday, April 16, 2023

Time to Write Week 16


Oh boy. We made another week. Another 7 days of an hour a day. Did you do it? If not start asking all the why's.

Writing a book is hard. If it was easy everyone would do it. That's what a friend once reminded me of and she isn't an author but an avid reader. She gets it. 

So are you taking care of you? That's half the battle. If you aren't your best then your writing won't be its best. 
Sleeping enough? Hydrating enough? Exercising?

All these things matter. And it's hard to fit it all in if you are like me with a full time stressful day job. There are days I get home praying I csn quickly get through chores and dinner and all it takes to raise a family...wanting Jammie coffee and bed. (Yes I drink coffee ever morning and evening. Caffeine immune I think) but it's my comfort drink. It's my drug. No need for alcohol or other means of self gratification. 

But take a look at your week and how you did on writing snd taking care of you. Up the tension there just like you do for time to Write. 

So chapter 16 this week. I hope your planning time last week has helped you push this story forward. Work hard on pulling things thst should happen together. And go on to chapter 17 and 18...let's crank out some book this week. 

If you are getting neat the end of your story....sort of chapter 20...can you get more writing time in? Can you grab a full weekend or weekend day to let you mind stay in that story for a longer period of time? Negotiate for that. Can you gain a sneak away weekend with a writer friend? I always get a lot done then. 

Then finalize ch. 16 and move on to 17 and 18 if you can. Focus on all three details needed to end the story coming up soon. I will keep saying chapter 20 but you might only need 19 and some of you will need 24. So get to it. 

Tell us how it is going for you? Any pointers you can share?

And catch us all on FB.