Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Sneak attacks of Writing


Each year I welcome football season. Mostly because I am a die-hard Alabama Football fan and secondly because I watch the games with my husband....and I bring my laptop. I call this a sneak attack on working Writing and for me mostly editing into the day.

My husband has racing season tickets in the town next to ours. This begins in March and ends in November which means a lot of Friday and Saturday nights he is not home. And my girls already know if Dad is at the races then mom isn't cooking unless it's a quick frozen pizza or something similar. If he is at the races then I get Writing time. Fair enough. 

Waiting to pick up my girls. I have learned over the years to grab a bit of writing time in the car on my phone (Galaxy Note 20) while I wait for them. One now drives and the other isn't far behind so that time may be slowly dwindling. But it opens up a new door of me not being the errand runner and more time to Write at home. 

Doctors office. And how long did you wait at your last MD visit? Too Long but again I work a scene on my phone or edit through one I already have written there. 

Grocery lines. This one can be a bit more difficult. Some lines are long but I can start jotting down ideas for a scene that I need to write. I also have a bit of social anxiety. I don't want to smile or say hello so I get busy on my phone. 

I hear so many writers say they write on long trip in the car. No. Can. Do. I am easily motion sick on anything that moves. I kid you not. I can get sick on a float in a when the chiropractor placed me on the watered that massages I had to call for help and crawl off the thing and lay in the floor until nausea passed. So I cannot write in the car but I do listen to books. 

Honda dealership. Just got a new car I named Jolene and I get so many free oil changes and tire rotations. So I plan the first early Saturday Appointment and they have coffee. And I sip and write. Another sneak attack of time. 

Lunch break. I can write a rough whole scene at lunch if I sit in a quiet corner or at my desk alone. Just let the words glow that I can edit later. 

While watching TV. I cannot just sit and watch TV very well. I always feel like I shloud be doing something. So it is rare I do not have my laptop or planning items in my lap while I profess to watch a movie alone or with the family. Some writers tell me they can't do this but I have this innate ability to tune out almost anything when my head is in a story. Total quiet is hard for me but we are all different. 

Other ideas....Dragon. A friend gave me a Dragon Program where you can speak and it types. I tried this for a while but it doesn't work for my brain. So this might be an option for some. 

I have sat at writing events and conferences and while listening to a speaker did a bit of writing or editing on my phone. I just try not to be obvious or rude about it. 

I have written when we camped in our camper. Now we camp rustic so I have to charge my laptop in the car or with out generator. And to mention we had little access to internet up in the mountains of North Georgia. So no distractions. My husband and the girls fished for trout and I cooked and kept the fire going and edited through an entire 100K word novel. 

I do confess if you see me on my phone at church I am taking notes...not being an author. Just to clear up that idea. 

Beach? Yes I write there a lot at least before the sun kicks in and I have to hunt more shade or jump in. Funny people never understand me writing there. They see it as work I suppose but I love enough it's a joy on vacation. 

Kids want an activity...make it one where you can write. 
A park if perfect! Did a lot of that in the past. 

So take a look at places in your life where you can gain sneak attacks on writing.