Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Snagging Writing Time

 I am the queen of snagging a moment to write no matter where I am. It's true what they say that writers should have a notebook handy at all times. Seriously, put a notebook in handy places.

Laundry Room
Work desk

It might not be overkill to have a notebook everywhere for some writers. Maybe one notebook you have small enough to keep it on your person. 

Everyone will have to develop their own way that works just like with anything else. 

When I first started writing I first wrote in a notebook and later typed it on my laptop....this was a huge waste of time and energy for me. It made the process long and tedious. For some writers though this works well. 

But what happens when you have no notebook and a big idea hits? I have been known to write a scene or thought on a napkin but also on a receipt standing in line to vote of all things. This is all right, don't you think? But the goal with random pieces of paper is to get them where they won't be lost. Back to your writing notebook or your writing room. I am not always organized but as my writing notebook proves...messy and crazy define the book in the end. 

But those random thoughts that hit you when you are not writing do not have to be jotted down on paper. For me my Galaxy Note Phone (sorry not an iPhone girl....not a Mac girl...I resist on purpose) is the best writing tool I own. 

I use my phone to keep those random thoughts that hit. I have used my phone to write scenes and full chapter that I later email to myself and then copy and past into my current WIP. (Work in progress)

This works for me and no matter where I am the story is gaining word count. Since I am a panster who plots a bit on a story board I know what scenes are needed and I have been known to write a small scene at lunch. Later I can merge the scene into my WIP and as I do I can fluff and edit a bit and make story progress. 

Laptops, tablets, phones...the possibilities are endless and you have to find out what works for you. 

I have been known to write on my laptop or phone at soccer practice, the doctors off, waiting in various lines, and my favorite place....the beach on a lounge chair poolside. I just keep a waterproof cover for my laptop when I am not using it. 

It is true thought that if you plan your writing time, make sure you have a consistent writing place that is comfortable you can train your brain to be ready to write. The words will come. Lessen distraction. Music if you like. A nice smelling candle or fun light can help. A place that is yours. Setting a timer helps some authors produce word count. But again everyone has to find their own nitch. 

Again having an outline (for me the storyboard I mentioned) really helps you know the story. You will know then what needs to be written scene by scene. 

I never write in order....ever. So there are times I know I need a scene that happens to connect to scenes and so I spend time with my storyboard to map things out. Some authors love Scrivner or like programs for the same thing. I like my story board and so I write things by hand there with sticky notes of what will happen....sticky notes let me change where something is located if needed. It makes it easy to move scenes. It also makes it easy to change up what happens when my characters write their own story....and...hey I didn't know that was gonna happen...but I like it. (Coming up I hope to do a post all about how I storyboard and various ways of doing that.)

Another things for me is I spend a lot of time on the road driving to and from the Nurse Job. So I try to use that time to plot in my head what scene I need to write that evening when I get home from work. Haggling through ideas of how something occurs or what is going to happen let's me better utilize my time when I do get to my laptop. Some of that planning winds up on my story board and or I write that scene and its done. 

The main thing is to snag those random ideas that hit you and get them into your story, so whether you use paper, your brain or a quick note on your phone, it will help you in your final goal of....FINISHING THE BOOK!