Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Get moving for Brain Power

More on self-care. I have mentioned a lot of things we writers can do to take care of ourselves. The fun and easy things like coffee and a candle or a bubble bath with both.

But one of the things to keep us better in focus a d to keep the blood flowing to put writing brain is the dreaded.....EXERCISE. Yes I said it. And I am guilty of not getting enough. So do a bit of soul searching on what activities you like to do and the ones you can manage to do each day. But like any habit it takes a while to get it ingrained. I want to get walking in at least three times a week if not 4 or 5. But there are things we can do daily to help us feel better and write more. For this week let's all commit to looking up 15 minute YouTube exercise videos we can do in our offices when we are done with our hour of writing. Let's commit to 3 times this week for 15 minutes. From there we can get to 30 minutes three times a week. If It's nice out I may walk. You choose what works for you and let's all report in what we have accomplished. But we need to make this one a habit. Maybe reminding and helping each other. Go for it! Find your activity. And hey It's Time to Write.