My thoughts on publishing may be jaded due to my current thoughts on the book world and my own experiences BUT here goes.
Just for the record don't ever pay someone to publish your book. Vanity presses are not the way to go. Some people think this is real publishing and it's just not. Avoid this at all costs.
I am traditionally published with a small press. Now at the time, I was thrilled to get picked up by my press because with a full-time day job, kids, and all the details that go with that I was certain if a larger press picked me I might let them down. They seem to push harder for so many books a year. Honestly, I am good for about 1 book a year and that can be a push because I write long. 80 to 100K stories. If I am writing a shorter story I can do about 2 a year.
For all those reasons I have been happy with a smaller press. My deadlines are not hard ones though I do have them. I may have more freedoms to write the stories I desire to write. I only get one free book. But I can purchase my books at a 30% discount. That may sound good but my books are long and cost more. And since I am not mass market produced....expensive to buy for Giveaways. I am slowing down on giving away books anymore. Folks if you want my books you'll have to make the purchase. This is a lesson learned. I have spent more sharing books than I make on sales. So be careful.
With a small press, they do work hard but resources are more limited so what promo I get it mostly self-done. Small presses have little money to promo when it comes down to it. So don't expect a lot there.
And I suppose I sell medium on the note of a small press. My books sell each month but I do not make a lot of money at this. It equals out to about a buck or a little more per book. And mine are in print audio and ebook. Somebody is making money but it's sure not me. I keep telling myself if I had started writing for the money I would have quit a long time ago. But it would sure be nice to earn more so I think my next move is to self-pub anything new since I do have a small following.
But with a press I only have to write and edit the book. It doesn't cost me. I mean. I pay nothing to get the story published.
A word on covers. I have hardly any control over my covers. Some people think there is full control there. Uhh...nope. I can negotiate what I would like to see and mostly I have liked my covers but I have had to haggle over a few. Some you win and some you lose.
Differences with a larger press may be more money. And some say if you are agents even more money...but then the agent gets a cut too. So that remains to be seen but the few who get a grand deal with a bigger press. But I think a lot more pressure on pumping out stories. So it's a trade off in my opinion. But you can get a good number of free books for Giveaways or events.
So as I am studying a bit more of self-pubbing knowing this will be my next step there are advantages and some disadvantages.
Self-pubbing your are your business. You have to write the story. Pay for your cover. Pay for good editing or you should. And you have to upload it and get it to the platforms where it will sell. And much much more. There is no help. It is all you. Some people like this freedom to choose covers and write what they wish when they wish and publish when they want.
As I begin thinking of this for any new stories I wonder if it is worth it given much more goes into it besides writing and editing the book.
This is by far not everything to consider on traditional verses self-publishing....get out there and talk to authors who do each. Think hard on what works for you before you jump in.
If you decide to self-pub then you can learn it and jump right in. If you wait on a traditional press the decision is do you want an agent who may help you get a better deal with a bigger press. Or are you willing to take on a smaller press and work hard to promote yourself.
Well, you have to work hard on promo yourself no matter your choice.
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